Consensual Extra-Dyadic Relationship (2) Definitions.
Although I wrote this paper in Israel I used English mainly because many terms did not exist in Hebrew. I post in this blog without the additional examples and without the footnotes.
I use the terms "Extra dyadic relationship" (edr) because they define the subject better. It is more common to use "extra marital relationship", or "cheating", or "adultery", and there are more.
"Extra" refers to additional or not included. Other terms that are used are "trans-" or "inter-".
"Dyad" means an intimate couple or a primary relationship. This is used instead of marriage. The concept of exclusivity is the norm in couples even if they are not married, and not all married are intimately coupled.
"Relations" is suitable, and "sex" is not, since an edr might include sex and might not. Thompson divides relationships into 3 categories: a. emotional "e" (in love) but not sexual "s" (intercourse), b. "s" but not "e", and c. both "e" and "s".
Surveys have shown that sexual edr's without emotional involvement or comimitment is more accepted by the woman than emotional involvement even without sex.
In polyamory forums there is much discussion about relationships. The question - "When is a relationship primary, and what does it include ?" is asked and answered. Writers also express their opinions. The question is theoretically interesting, but the suitablility of this term for any particuar dyad should be left for the two participants themselves, even if they are married.
If the dyad is considered to be the prmary relationship, then the edr would be a secondary relationship. There is also the possibility of tertiary relationsips and also additional primary or secondary relationships.
The subject is complicated. I am trying to point out the main differences. From discusssions that I have had with poly people I learned that the range of possibilities is very large and everyone chooses their own kinds of relationships.
In this blog I deal mainly with consensual edr's. In order to see the full picture I will present a new typology that I have drawn up. I will relate to the details in another blog.
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