Consensual Extra-Dyadic Relationship (4) - Glossary of lifestyles
I will send to those interested the sources of these terms or the whole paper.
A. Lifestyles that do not necessarily include extra-dyadic relationships (emr)
1. Buddies Close friends usually without sex.
2. Commune
3. Geriatric commune
4. Aggregate family - all the children are part of the family.
5. Cohabitation without the intention of marriage.
6. Cohabitation with the intention of marriage.
7. Companianate marriage - Not for economic, status preserving, or procreation reasons.
8. Consensual Marraige - No wedding ceremony.
9. Serial monogamy - a number of weddings and divorces.
10. Fourth comparment marriage - each one has activities of different kinds (compartments) which does not include the other.
B. Lifestyles where there may be no primary relationship.
1. Free love
2. One - night stands.
3. Prostitution.
C. Adultery - no agreement.
D. Lifestyles that are consensual emr's
1. Open Marriage.
2. Comarital sex without emotianal attachment - swinging, mate swapping, etc.
3. There is a scale of emotional involvement in swinging from no attachment to polyamory.
4. Triad - Each one is committed to the other two.
5 Three in a "V" - only one person is committed to the other two.
6. Group marriage - Four or more that live together and raise all the children together.
7. Intimate network - Each one (including couples) has a(n) additional relationship(s).
8. Polifedilitous family - All share sex ONLY with other members of the family.
9, Polygyny - one man married to more than two wives.
10. Polyandry - one woman married to more than two hubands
Polyamory includes these two and also where there are two or more men and women, and does not relate to marriage.
11. Rimmer and Mahoney suggested additional forms of consensual emr.
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