This is the first updated chapter of my blog.
The transition.
I mentioned before that this was the organization that I was working with in order to:
1. Work towards a better world (Resource Based Economy)
2. Help me with my other missions: Love,Cure for cancer, Peace.
3. Become better educated in many areas.
The way this is done is by following what is called "Your Action Plan" Which is filled with educational and motivational videos and,with tasks to learn ways to get things done, such as:
1. How to reach consensus agreements.
2. How to organize groups.
3. How to organize a meeting.
and much more.
There are 7 phases of the action plan, from the introduction to phase 5.
In phase 2 the idea of a "bud" is introduced (Basic Unit of Decision-Making) .One of the tasks is to either join or create a bud. I created 3 and joined another one:
1. Bud for Intimacy (BFI).
The BFI is supposed to be a highlight of both my transition participation and also of my groups for intimacy. I am now revising all of them. If anyone would like to here more about the GFI please contact me, Put "GFI" in the subject so I won't erase it automatically.
2. Bud for business (BFB). This bud is not active now. My partner in creating this bud has left it for awhile.
3. Bud for peace. At present this bud is just an idea. I was hoping to attract some of the 1348 members of my peace Facebook group (Jews and Muslims United) to join a grojup that would actjually try to do something about peace and not only participate in the discussions that are in this group. I created this bud before I realized that I needed people who had reached Phase 2 and so this bud doesn't have any members aside from myself. I haven't erased it yet from the list of existing buds. Who knows?
4. I joined another member's bud called People's Transition Party Bud .
In the meantime another person joined in and so bud's nos. 1 and 4 has 3 members. As you can see. Life is dynamic. If anyone wants an update just holler.
Nicole, the creator of the transition, was invited to a podcast where she explained a lot about it .
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